Download OpenAPI specification:Download
) riskInquiry | boolean query param used to indicate if segments executed & guidance should be returned |
eventTransactionId required | string"^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,64}$" The Bank's identifier for this payment transaction. |
sessionId | string^[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,36}$ Unique identifier for the customer's end-user's session on the site/app. Must be the same session ID used in the device data collection from the client-side Kount SDK. Uniqueness for this property is not enforced, but customers should provide unique values. |
eventTypeName | string^.{0,256}$ The type of event being assessed. |
eventTimestamp | string <date-time> YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.fff'Z' The timestamp of the event being assessed. |
object (v1PaymentTransfer) | |
object (appriskorchestratorv1Account) | |
object (appriskorchestratorv1Account) |
{- "eventTransactionId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "sessionId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "eventTypeName": "One-time digital wallet transfer",
- "eventTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.234Z",
- "paymentTransfer": {
- "amount": "893",
- "currencyCode": "USD",
- "originatingCountry": "US",
- "transactionType": "P2P",
- "transactionReference": [
- "5206080947171696"
}, - "originAccount": {
- "bankInformation": {
- "countryCode": "BT",
- "localBankCode": "Bank 1",
- "bankName": "DEMO ORIGIN BANK",
- "localBranchCode": "XYZ456",
- "swiftCode": "ABC123456"
}, - "accountInformation": {
- "accountType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "accountSubType": "CHECKING",
- "accountStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "openingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.234Z",
- "accountNumber": "ABC123456",
- "iban": "27556895"
}, - "accountHolder": {
- "customerId": "27556895",
- "nationality": "UA",
- "person": {
- "name": {
- "first": "William",
- "preferred": "Bill",
- "family": "Andrade",
- "middle": "Alexander",
- "prefix": "Ms.",
- "suffix": "III"
}, - "phoneNumber": "+12081234567",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "address": {
- "line1": "12345 MyStreet Ave",
- "line2": "Suite 256",
- "city": "Poplar Bluff",
- "region": "CO",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "postalCode": "63901-0000"
}, - "dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.234Z"
}, - "governmentIds": [
- {
- "idType": "NationalId",
- "idNumber": "9ByDBNalJuOCvgVf",
- "idExpiryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.234Z"
], - "businessIdNumber": "27556895",
- "businessName": "Acme builders"
}, - "destinationAccount": {
- "bankInformation": {
- "countryCode": "BT",
- "localBankCode": "Bank 1",
- "bankName": "DEMO ORIGIN BANK",
- "localBranchCode": "XYZ456",
- "swiftCode": "ABC123456"
}, - "accountInformation": {
- "accountType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "accountSubType": "CHECKING",
- "accountStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "openingDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.234Z",
- "accountNumber": "ABC123456",
- "iban": "27556895"
}, - "accountHolder": {
- "customerId": "27556895",
- "nationality": "UA",
- "person": {
- "name": {
- "first": "William",
- "preferred": "Bill",
- "family": "Andrade",
- "middle": "Alexander",
- "prefix": "Ms.",
- "suffix": "III"
}, - "phoneNumber": "+12081234567",
- "emailAddress": "",
- "address": {
- "line1": "12345 MyStreet Ave",
- "line2": "Suite 256",
- "city": "Poplar Bluff",
- "region": "CO",
- "countryCode": "US",
- "postalCode": "63901-0000"
}, - "dateOfBirth": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.234Z"
}, - "governmentIds": [
- {
- "idType": "NationalId",
- "idNumber": "9ByDBNalJuOCvgVf",
- "idExpiryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22.234Z"
], - "businessIdNumber": "27556895",
- "businessName": "Acme builders"
{- "eventId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "decision": "APPROVE",
- "segmentExecuted": {
- "segment": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "priority": 0
}, - "policiesExecuted": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "outcome": {
- "type": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "tags": [
- "string"
) eventId required | string The unique event identifier returned by the AssessAPPRisk request. |
investigationOutcome | string Default: "NOT_FRAUD" A string containing one of an enumeration of investigation outcome types. Types: "NOT_FRAUD", "ORIGIN_FRAUD", "DESTINATION_FRAUD" |
{- "investigationOutcome": "NOT_FRAUD"
{- "eventId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "eventTransactionUpdateId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "eventTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "investigationOutcome": "NOT_FRAUD"