Download OpenAPI specification:Download
object (v1FailedAttemptEvent) | |
object (v1ChallengeOutcomeEvent) |
{- "failedAttempt": {
- "clientId": "900900",
- "sessionId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "userId": "meoyyd8za8jdmwfm",
- "username": "meoyyd8za8jdmwfm",
- "userPassword": "38401eb46f8fbb74c1846a5f47f68d83a9bef126b1d4143f886cd464323cdaab",
- "userIp": "",
- "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36",
- "userType": "VIP"
}, - "challengeOutcome": {
- "clientId": "900900",
- "loginDecisionCorrelationId": "3438ac3c-37eb-4902-adef-ed16b4431030",
- "challengeType": "Captcha",
- "challengeStatus": "Success",
- "sessionId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "userId": "meoyyd8za8jdmwfm",
- "sentTimestamp": "2024-02-22T01:02:03.123Z",
- "completedTimestamp": "2024-02-22T01:02:03.123Z",
- "failureType": "TimedOut",
- "userType": "VIP"
{ }
clientId | string (clientId) ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,64}$ Kount's unique identifier for a Client |
eventType | string (matches event type enum used by pbe-decision-manager) Default: "UNKNOWN_TYPE" Enum: "UNKNOWN_TYPE" "LOGIN" "NEW_ACCOUNT_OPENING" "PAYMENTS" "CONDITIONAL" "IDENTITY_PROOFING" "APP_RISK" "CASE_QUEUE_MANAGEMENT" |
sessionId | string (sessionId) ^[\w-]{0,32}$ Device collection event identifier |
decisionCorrelationId | string <uuid> (decisionCorrelationId) ^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-4[0-9A-F]{3}-[89AB][... The unique identifier 'correlationId' from the original decision response from the Kount API |
url | string (url) ^.{0,256}$ Webpage from which a Client’s user is attempting to log in or create a new account |
challengeType | string (challengeType) Enum: "Captcha" "Captcha2" "Puzzle" "SecretQuestion" "EmailLink" "EmailPIN" "TextPIN" "TextLink" "MFAAppGoogle" "MFAAppDuo" "MFAAppiOS" "MFAAppAuthy" "MFAAppMicrosoft" "MFAAppLastPass" "MFAAppOther" The type of challenge sent to the User's Client |
challengeStatus | string (challengeStatus) Enum: "Success" "Failed" Represents the success or failure result of the challenge |
sentTimestamp | string <date-time> (sentTimestamp) YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.fff'Z' Device collection event identifier |
completedTimestamp | string <date-time> (completedTimestamp) YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.fff'Z' Device collection event identifier |
failureType | string (failureType) Enum: "TimedOut" "IncorrectResponse" "ExpiredSession" "ExpiredLink" "InvalidLink" "InvalidData" "MissingData" If challenge is failed, the reason for the failure |
object (v1Person) | |
object (v1Account) |
{- "clientId": "900900",
- "eventType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE",
- "sessionId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "decisionCorrelationId": "3438ac3c-37eb-4902-adef-ed16b4431030",
- "challengeType": "Captcha",
- "challengeStatus": "Success",
- "sentTimestamp": "2024-02-22T01:02:03.123Z",
- "completedTimestamp": "2024-02-22T01:02:03.123Z",
- "failureType": "TimedOut",
- "person": {
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": "+12081234567"
}, - "account": {
- "id": "11223dr44",
- "username": "meoyyd8za8jdmwfm",
- "type": "VIP"
{ }