Download OpenAPI specification:Download
clientId required | string (clientId) ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,64}$ Kount's unique identifier for a Client |
sessionId required | string (sessionId) ^[\w-]{0,32}$ Device collection event identifier |
userId required | string (userId) .{1,256}$ Client’s unique identifier for a Client’s User |
username | string (username) ^.{0,256}$ Username for a Client’s user |
userPassword | string (userPassword) `^.{0,128}$` Irrevocable hash of the Client's user's password |
userIp | string <ipv4> (userIp) User’s IPv4 address as identified by the Client |
loginUrl | string (loginUrl) ^.{0,256}$ Webpage from which a Client’s user is attempting to log in |
userAuthenticationStatus | string (userAuthenticationStatus) ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,64}$ Not validated/restricted, intended to indicate if user already completed step up authN |
userCreationDate | string <date-time> (userCreationDate) YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.fff'Z' Date account was created for a Client's user |
userType | string (userType) ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,128}$ Client’s designation for a Client’s user |
mfaPhone | string (mfaPhone) (Optional) The phone number that will be used to send the MFA link to via SMS |
mfaEmail | string (mfaEmail) (Optional) The email address that will be used to send the MFA link |
userAgent | string (userAgent) (Optional) Request header identifying information about the User's system |
context | string (LoginRequestContext) Default: "LOGIN" Enum: "LOGIN" "PRE_AUTH" "GIFT_CARD" "LOYALTY" "COUPON" "FORM_FILL" "MARKETING" "PRE_LOGIN" |
preferredLanguageCode | string (preferredLanguageCode) ^[a-z]{2}(-[a-zA-Z]{2})?$ (Optional) the preferred ISO language code, conforming to the ISO 639-1 standard, may be used for Challenge communication |
object (v1Workflow) |
{- "clientId": "900900",
- "sessionId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "userId": "meoyyd8za8jdmwfm",
- "username": "meoyyd8za8jdmwfm",
- "userPassword": "38401eb46f8fbb74c1846a5f47f68d83a9bef126b1d4143f886cd464323cdaab",
- "userIp": "",
- "userAuthenticationStatus": "true",
- "userCreationDate": "2024-01-01T12:12:12.000Z",
- "userType": "VIP",
- "mfaPhone": "+12081234567",
- "mfaEmail": "",
- "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36",
- "context": "LOGIN",
- "preferredLanguageCode": "en-us",
- "workflow": {
- "mfaTemplate": "en-US",
- "mfaTargetUrl": {
{- "decision": "Allow",
- "sessionId": "d121ea2210434ffc8a90daff9cc97e76",
- "userProfile": "VIP",
- "trustState": "TRUSTED",
- "freindlyName": "Brad's Phone",
- "deviceId": "7363b8ae6b2247b99f5d56fc81102254",
- "matchedToDevice": "string",
- "tags": [
- "string"
], - "mfaType": "string",
- "mfaEnabled": true,
- "mfaId": "9d52fd78-3415-4cc9-b551-81f506257a98",
- "userSegment": "VIP",
- "guidance": "Allow",